I've been hearing a lot about twittering and tweeting lately. Now, according to the BBC, the London public is being invited to write haiku on their cellphones, and submit them to a competition.
And, it's a good idea to tweet with grace and originality, because every entry will be displayed on a huge outdoor screen at King's Cross Station.
The poem is limited to 140 characters (or less) and must be in the traditional Japanese haiku style, with seventeen syllables spread over three lines.
While all entries will get their twenty-minute exposure, they will also be judged, by a panel that includes Yoko Ono and Jackie Kay.
The prize is free entry to a spoken word event every week for a year.
What a great idea.
The cellphone idea also limits entries to people within cellphone range, which seems a good idea too. Otherwise (if I could text fast enough), I might be tempted to enter!
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