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Thursday, November 25, 2010


Amazing techno-wizard and OldSaltBlogger Rick Spilman has been working on a book trailer for Tupaia.   Here is the brilliant result:


EJD said...

Joan: Great trailer. Congratulations to Rick for doing a wonderful job. I hope the book gets the attention it deserves when it arrives in the United States. All the best! Eric

Anonymous said...

Will certainly be on my reading list for the New Year!! Right on Joan. Best of luck, Kathleen, Orient, NY

World of the Written Word said...

Great to hear from you! It's a great book because of the amazing subject -- an extraordinary man. Hope you are having a lovely Turkey Day

Heather said...

Great trailer -- can't wait to read the book! You're a rock star, Joan!



World of the Written Word said...

Thank you? Good to hear from you, Heather -- it has been too long. Has your blog shifted its address????