Tuesday, June 6, 2017

America First? No way, say New Zealanders

Tillerson and Matthis may not have the welcome they expect today....

From the Dominion Post

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is on a flying visit to further relations with New Zealand - but a survey of nearly 40,000 Kiwis suggests they have no confidence in American President Donald Trump and are increasingly looking to China for leadership.
The online survey, conducted by Stuff and Massey University, released on the eve of Tillerson's visit, shows only 15.2 per cent who answered that question would have voted for Trump.
That confirms a Reid Research/Newshub poll last August which showed New Zealand voters rejected Trump's recipe during the run up to the US presidential elections, with an overwhelming majority favouring Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton and only 9 per cent saying they would vote for Trump.
Associate professor Grant Duncan of Massey University said the survey of 39,644 respondents was a self-selecting online poll and so it should be treated with caution because it was not scientifically sampled.
However, the make up of the sample - which was heavily skewed towards men, and greatly under-represented Labour voters - suggested a weighted sample would likely have been even more unfavourable to Trump and the US.

"This particular survey is quite low on women and low on Labour supporters so I would think this possibly slightly overstates the support for Trump. He is unelectable in this country."
Also interestingly, China is now seen as the leader of the free world, something that would have been unthinkable just a few years to go.  Granted, the free trade agreement we have with China must make a difference.  But, as the report goes on:
"Trumpism must have had something to do with the outcome of the survey.  When you put the two things together, Trump's repugnant behaviour and his 'America First' attitude, presumably it had some influence on the result."

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