Thursday, March 26, 2015

Lan Yu "canoes" -- my guest post at Old Salt Blog

Today, I had the privilege of being invited to write a guest post for OLD SALT BLOG.

It is about the Lanyu canoes I studied at museums in Taipei, and the local experts I interviewed.

Here I am with one of those experts, the charming Liao Hong-ji, a fisherman, author, conservationist and adventurer.

The whole conversation was in Chinese (except for my answers to translated questions, and my questions, also translated) -- and we were talking about the Great Migration, and Tupaia's canoes.


  1. Which museums had the Lanyu boats?

  2. Which museums had the Lanyu boats?

  3. There were two museums in Taipei where we looked at the boats. One was Evergreen. That one is a wonderful maritime museum, with all kinds of vessels and ship paintings, some memorabilia. It's a private museum, set up by the Evergreen shipping company. I blogged about it:

    The other was the museum of the indigenous people, right across the road and to the left a bit of the National Museum. The Lanyu boats were on the ground floor.

  4. I have just remembered that there are two museums to the aboriginal people. One is the cultural museum. The one with the boats is the Shung Ye Museum
