Thursday, October 2, 2014

Useful Latin phrases for Indie authors

Acta est fabula, plaudite!  "The play is over [and was fabulous], applaud!" A common ending phrase of ancient Roman comedies that could readily be used as a finale for your masterpiece.

Ad captandum vulgis: "To appeal to the crowd" — often used of politicians who make false or insincere promises appealing to popular interest, but also applicable to romance and thriller authors.

Ad hoc: "For this" — i.e. improvised, made up on the spot.  That speech you have to make without warning during book signings etc.  Also a remedy for writer's block.

Ad libitum (often shortened to ad lib): "At ease" — means "do as you please", "improvise", "just ramble on." Another remedy for writer's block.

Ad nauseum: "To the point of nausea."  Applies equally to overly graphic and repetitive sex scenes and overly graphic and repetitive bloody violence.

Amor vincit omnia: "Love conquers all." The indispensable ending for the romantic novel.

Cacoethes scribendi: "Bad habit of writing" — i.e. an insatiable urge to write. Originally used by Juvenal, but very useful when giving the reason for turning out all those novels.  To be quoted with a mock-apologetic wave of the hand. 

Caveat lector: "Let the reader beware." Like caveat emptor (buyer beware) it is an excellent cop-out when readers complain, or a caution if you are not sure of your facts. But don't forget caveat venditor (seller beware), because you are responsible for the promises you make in your blurb.

Cui bono: "Good for whom?" or, who benefits?  An excellent way of solving a crime, kept in mind by good mystery writers.

Damnant quod non intellegunt: "They condemn what they do not understand."  To be borne in mind when those two-star reviews arrive.

Deus ex machina: "A god from a machine" — a contrived or artificial solution, usually to a literary plot. Refers to the practice in Greek drama of lowering by machine an actor playing Zeus onto the stage — as though he were descending from Olympus — to resolve an awkward plot. Not recommended.

Editio princeps: First Edition.

Exempli gratia: for example, e.g. for short, always in lower case.

Ibidem (ibid.) "In the same place" — usually in bibliographic citations.

Id est (i.e.): "That is (to say)", abbreviated as "i.e." — sometimes "in this case," depending on the context.  It is not equivalent to "e.g.", in any context.

Imprimatur: "(It) may be printed" — an authorization to publish, granted by some censoring authority (originally a Catholic Bishop).

In flagrante delicto"In flaming crime" — i.e. "caught red-handed." Used by both romance and mystery writers.

Incredibile dictu: "Incredibly to say."  Not recommended in the body of a novel, let alone in non-fiction.

Index librorum prohibitorum: "List of prohibited books."  Where you do not want your novel to land.

Ita vero: "That's true."  Like many nations, the Romans had no word for "yes." Useful if you are not sure whether the native you are writing about had the word for "yes."

Ipsissima verba: "The words themselves, verily" — i.e. "strictly word by word." 

Lapsus calami:  "A slip of the pen." An excellent excuse, as is, Lapsus linguae, "A slip of the tongue" and Lapsus memoriae, "Memory lapse."

Locus classicus"A classic place" — a quote from a classical text used as an example of something.

Magnum opus: "greatest work."  

Nota bene. "Note well."  And note well that the abbreviation is in upper case, and roman, not italics: N.B.

Opera omnia: "All Works", the collected works of some author or another.

Opera posthuma. "Post-humous works."  Oh dear.  

Ophidia in herba: "snake in the grass."

Panem et circenses"Bread and circus plays" — Juvenal, Satires 10, 81, describing all that was needed for the emperors to placate the Roman mob, and today used to describe any public entertainment.

Passim:"Throughout", "here and there", "frequently" — of a word that occurs several times in a cited texts; also, in proof reading, of a change that is to be repeated everywhere needed.

Quo vide (q.v.): "Which see" — used after a term or phrase that should be looked up elsewhere in the current document or book.

Quod erat demonstrandum (Q.E.D.): "That which was to be demonstrated" — often written (abbreviated) at the bottom of a mathematical proof.

Sesquipedalia verba"Words a foot and a half long" — long and complicated words that are used without necessity.

Sic: "Thus", "just so" — states that the preceding quoted material appears exactly that way in the source, usually despite errors of spelling, grammar, usage, or fact.

Sic itur ad astra: "Thus to the stars" — or, ad astra, that's how to achieve fame.

Sic passim"Thus in various places" — used when referencing books; see passim.

Sic transit gloria mundi"Thus passes earthly glory."

Sine anno (s.a.)"Without year" — used in bibliographies to indicate that the date of publication of a document is unknown.

Sit venia verbo"With apologies for the word" — i.e. "pardon my French."

Stanta pede"On standing foot" — immediately.

Status quo (ante)"The state that was (before)" — the status of affairs or situation prior to some upsetting event.

Stet"Let it stand" — marginal mark in proofreading to indicate that something previously deleted or marked for deletion should be retained.

Stricto sensu"In the strict sense."

And the way even the best Indie author/publisher feels every now and then ...

Vox clamantis in deserto "The voice of one shouting in the desert" — thus "unheeded", "in vain."


  1. Takes me back to the fourth form - but more than a couple of these are new to me. Wherever did you find them?

  2. The Wikitionary, believe it or not! it seems to be something new, and definitely quirky.

  3. Where is Obiter Fictum?
