Thursday, July 10, 2014

Bizarre twist in Amazon-Hachette dispute

From Digital Book World

The Amazon-Hachette dispute that has gripped the book publishing industry took another turn this week: Amazon floated an idea to authors and agents and then to Hachette to give authors 100% of the proceeds of ebook sales until they could come to terms; the company also offered to restore normal trading for print titles at the same time. 

At first, the offer was just to some authors and agents but the consumer press made it public on Tuesday and then Amazon delivered the offer formally to Hachette. The publisher roundly rejected it, calling it "suicidal" to give up all its ebook revenues and the whole move a public relations stunt. Amazon countered that it was a legitimate offer and that Hachette should take it to spare authors. 

What do you think?

A publisher once said to me that publishing a digital book costs the same as the print edition, involving the same editing and proofing, plus (often) a new design. 

Do you beg to differ? Hasn't almost 100% of the cost been covered with producing the print edition? As KDP authors know, Amazon covers web and distribution costs by taking just 30% of the money, much of the time.

By logic, eBooks should be much cheaper than print books -- as they often are. But should they be offered free?

As many Indie authors know, that can work well -- for a limited time, anyway.

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