Monday, May 12, 2014

Unexpected tidbits from famous scientists

When DNA genius Kary Mullis was presented his Nobel Prize by the King of Sweden, he offered to give his son in marriage to the princess, in return for a third of the kingdom.

A freed slave, John Edmonson, taught Charles Darwin how to stuff birds.

A floor sweeper at the Metropolitan Museum of New York by the name of Roy Andrews became a famous paleontologist, having learned his skills from what he observed as he worked.

When someone asked nuclear physicist Enrico Fermi how mankind could communicate with aliens, he replied, "We already have. They are called Romanians."

Told that his brightest student was quitting to write poetry, French mathematician Professor Hibbert merely mused, "Ah well, he didn't have the creativity required to be a mathematician."

One of Albert Einstein's many lady friends used to send a limousine to chauffeur him to their trysts.

From Bob Brockie's column in the Dominion Post, eagerly awaited every Monday.

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