It has happened again.
Yahoo mail has "upgraded." With total unexpectedness, I opened my mail to find that there was a new, swish version taking over.
First, it stalled my computer. Out of the program I went, and again it stalled when I reopened the mail page, and so it went on ... and on. System restore and a bout of muttering finally fixed it, but then I found that all my mail had been converted to tiny fonts. Unreadable.
"Help" was no use. It simply told me to go to mail options, hit "general" and opt for one font in a very short list, mostly involving choices like "Serif 1" or "Serif 2", and then hit small, medium, large, or extra large. But that, I found, only worked with plain text. With html -- surely the preferred option, these days -- I am stuck with tiny, tiny fonts. There is nothing in the tools that allows me to zoom. That lovely drop down list where I could hit 100% or 125% or whatever has vanished, in favor of that confounded "mail options."
And that invaluable button "check mail" has vanished from the top ribbon. To check for mail I have to go out of yahoo mail and then go back into it. Time-consuming, and just plain infuriating.
Thank God, I say, for my iPad.
I became frustrated with Yahoo's in-your-face graphics and advertising several years ago and switched to Google. None of them are faultless, but Google is much better (for me).