Saturday, June 23, 2012

So you think you can write a romance?

You now have a chance to work at it under the eye of an expert

Harlequin And Mills & Boon have launched a Global Writing Contest with a Publishing Contract as the Prize

A free 24/7 online conference, So You Think You Can Write will take place September 17–21, 2012 and will be the first event to combine the strength of the publisher's two iconic brands—Harlequin (North America) and Mills & Boon (Europe, Australia and Africa), taking advantage of an international presence and audience.
Last week, Harlequin, a leading publisher of books for women, and Mills & Boon, their international romance imprint, announced the inauguration of a global English-language writing contest that offers aspiring authors the chance to win a publishing contract.

It's a huge opportunity, which allows aspiring writers to spend a week with over 50 Harlequin and Mills & Boon editors from around the world.  And don't think you're ineligible because you don't live in North America, Europe, or Australia -- it's a worldwide contest, completely international.

But you will need a completed manuscript to enter the contest.

So boot up your computer and get going.

And hit the website (link embedded in the first paragraph).  Harlequin/Mills & Boon is ramping up for the big event by providing the ambitious romance writer with the tools needed to write a story that will get the author noticed by the largest publisher of romance fiction in the world.

In advance of the September event there will be a constant flow of writing tips, insider information, and inspiration to help you whip that manuscript into fabulous shape!  And here are a couple of links to get that creative blood flowing:

And good luck from me.

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