Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Australian serial killer writes book

Victoria's worst serial killer, Paul Steven Haigh, has penned a jailhouse manuscript in which he attempts to blame some of his victims for their own deaths.

The seven-time murderer, who is seeking a minimum parole for his crimes, writes that he is not "endlessly flagellating myself with memories of murder or anything else".

His book, titled The House of the Blue Light, contains a harrowing account of how he killed two of his victims, Sheryle Gardner and her son, Danny Mitchell, 9, in 1979.

"I shot the mother first. Then, while consoling the boy, I shot him with the second gun when his back was turned to me," he writes.

He says he killed Ms Gardner because she knew too much about his crimes.

He says the bereaved family members of his victims would not compel him to shed a tear for them.
"Because they can't climb out of the pit of the past, it doesn't mean I'm not going to do everything I can to put the past behind me and to find all the happiness I can," he wrote.

He said his victims had only themselves to blame.

"I own that I killed people but I won't be a scapegoat for poor genes, parenting, social support, peer relations or education that led to my victims being what they were and choosing as they did."

The friends and families of his victims say the manuscript should never be published.

Read more in the Herald Sun

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