Thursday, November 17, 2011

"Facebook is my agent"

When traditional agents fail, try social networking

Historical fiction author Linda Collison (Star Crossed, Surgeon's Mate) had problems selling her sequel.  Agent and publisher weren't interested.  Desperation reigned.  Then lo, her problems were solved in the most intriguing manner possible.  A post on Facebook worked most unexpected magic, and just like that, she had a new publisher.

As she wrote:

Months pass. A couple of years, actually. And then, miraculously, my prince charming finds me on Facebook. Actually, it’s more like a blind date set-up thing in which a British chap named David Hayes who administers a lively blog and encyclopedic website seeks me out on Facebook. Sees I’m an author of historical nautical fiction. Recommends me to Tom Grundner, editor-in-chief of Fireship Press a small publisher of historical fiction and nonfiction based in Tucson, Arizona. Who loves my work, who gets it, who wants to publish my entire series! I sign the contract and although I get no advance, I don’t care. I get the standard percentage of royalties. I have beaucoup editorial freedom. My editor answers my phone calls and emails. Strike the bell, fire a salute, serve up an extra ration of rum!

Read more about this little miracle HERE.


  1. Fabulous news! Congratulations to Linda!

  2. I remember it, I've been waiting it months.. it's good step with connecting to Facebook, in result it helped to release it, that's great.
