Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Digital Age at the Frankfurt Book Fair

eBooks Around the World

Hosted by Frankfurt Academy
10 October 2011 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Frankfurt Book Fair, Hall 4.2, Room Dimension

Register now!

9:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks
A welcome from conference organizers Michael Cader and Mike Shatzkin.
9:15 A Global Situational Review: Devices, ebook and app sales around the world
Presented by: Giovanni Bonfanti, A.T. Kearney; Marco Ferrario, Bookrepublic
9:35 The Global Review with a Local Perspective
Moderators: Michael Cader and Mike Shatzkin
Including: Riccardo Cavallero, General Manager, Trade Books Division, Mondadori Group; Michael Justus, Managing Director, S. Fischer Verlag GmbH; Kris Kliemann, Vice President, Director, Global Rights, Wiley; Joe Li, General Manager, International Business Department, Beijing Founder Apabi Technology Limited; Sergio Machado, President and CEO, Record Publishing Group, Brazil
10:30 Morning break
11:00 Easily reaching global markets: How Kindle can help you find a whole new audience
Presented by: David Naggar, VP, Global Kindle Content Acquisition
11:15 The Digital Publishing Dilemma – Global Challenges in Knowing and Being Known in the Digital Marketplace
Presented by: Beat Barblan, Director of Identifier Services, R.R. Bowker; Kelly Gallagher, Vice President, Publishing Services, R.R. Bowker
11:30 The launch of Anobii’s discovery and social retailing platform
Presented by: Matteo Berlucchi, CEO, Anobii
11:50 How Sourcebooks built an efficient, cross-company digital workflow
Presented by: Chris Bauerle, Director of Sales & Marketing, Sourcebooks
12:15 Lunch break
1:15 Google’s multi-platform vision for ebooks
Presented by: Santiago de la Mora, Director, Print Content Partnerships Europe, Middle East and AfricaGoogle
1:30 Two Steps to Global Licensing Success
Presented by: Tracey Armstrong, CEO, Copyright Clearance Center
1:45 Lessons from the other side: What trade publishing can learn from other sectors
Including: Peter Balis, Director, Digital Business Development, John Wiley & Sons; Evan Schnittman, Global Managing Director of Sales & Marketing, Bloomsbury Publishing
2:15 Digital books in the developing world
Presented by: Octavio Kulesz, Editorial Teseo
2:25 Creating Global Digital Reach: Faber Factory Powered by Constellation
Including: Stephen Page, CEO, Faber & Faber; David Steinberger, President & CEO, Perseus Books Group
2:40 Afternoon break
3:00 The Future for Agents
Moderated by: Michael Cader, Publishers Lunch and PublishersMarketplace.com
Including: Peter S. Fritz, Literary Agent, Paul & Peter Fritz AG; Robert Gottlieb, Chairman of Trident Media Group; David Miller, Director, Rogers, Coleridge and White Ltd.
3:45 Insights from eBook Retailer
Presented by: Michael Tamblyn, EVP, Content, Sales and Merchandising, Kobo Inc.
4:10 Metadata and sales data and the connections between the two
Presented by: Jonathan Nowell, Nielsen
4:25 Success Story: B&N and the Nook in the US
Including: Theresa Horner, VP, Digital Content, Barnes & Noble and Patricia Arancibia, Manager, Digital Content, International, Barnes & Noble


  1. This looks a fascinating programme, Joan! I hope the proceedings are well-documented, as the nearest I'll get to it is reading about it. :-)

  2. Fascinating indeed -- but look at the length of the sessions! How can one learn anything useful in such a short time? I wondered if they might be teasers for longer presentations held elsewhere.

  3. Oh, gosh, I see what you mean! Mostly 15 mins. They certainly don't leave much time for Q&A.

    I suppose it's possible they're multiple sessions held in parallel. Or perhaps they just talk very quickly.
