Thursday, October 13, 2011

Crime writers, take note

Complete with jazzy video, a countdown to the launch date (down to the moment), a new digital outlet for crime books is fast appearing on the horizon.

Crime writer and literary agent Allan Guthrie and digital media entrepreneur Kyle Macrae are launching Blasted Heath, a digital publishing company devoted to crime fiction, on November 1 with five titles, with plans to publish 30 books per year annually in ebook formats. In addition the launch titles will be available as a physical product for the gift market that offers readers a branded USB stick in a presentation pack.


  1. It's not just crime. My novel The Man in the Seventh Row is one of the launch titles. It is about a man being sucked into the movies that he watches. That isn't a crime, I don't think. Brian Pendreigh

  2. Congratulations! That your book is one of the launch titles is huge. As for crime, perhaps it depends on what films the man is watching.

    Would you consider doing an interview for this blog on this amazing eBook publishing experience?

  3. I'm glad you noticed! Best of luck with the project. Maybe an interview with you, as well? Once the enterprise is up and running and launched and you have had time to think about it?
