Saturday, August 13, 2011

Author of TUPAIA wins award

2011 CLL/NZSA Research Grants

The Stout Centre Research Grant has been awarded to Joan Druett.  (Yes, that's me!)  My project is a study of the first 50 years of United States consuls in New Zealand, a period extending from about 1835 to 1885, when the last regularly scheduled American ship departed from New Zealand.  (And yes, it is a maritime history.)

I'm personally delighted to win this award.  Not only is it a reassuring encouragement to write up a pet topic (those consuls were an entertaining lot), but it means I return for two months to the Stout Research Centre at Victoria University.  The years I spent there were among the best of my life; the friendliness and willingness to share hard-won knowledge is amazing. 

The other study award goes to Tauranga author Jenny Argante, who receives the Open Grant for research into the life of Dame Evelyn Stokes, who was a figure of significance in the Bay of Plenty and nationally as one of the first scholars to take seriously the connections between geography and culture. Throughout her life Stokes worked for recognition of marginalised groups including women and Mâori, and she published extensively on New Zealand historical geography and on Mâori land issues.

The awards, valued at $3,500 each, will be awarded at the CLL Writers Awards ceremony held in Auckland on 1 September.


  1. Congratulations! So happy to hear this, and am fascinated by your perspective on Tupaia.

  2. Big conga rats to you! You deserve it.

  3. Big conga rats to you! You deserve it.

  4. Joan, that is wonderful! Congratulations.

  5. Congratulations, Joan! Wonderful news, and thoroughly deserved.

  6. Well done you! Have fun.

  7. Many thanks to everyone, off-list as well as on the blog. I'm touched to receive so many congratulatory messages. I certainly intend to enjoy the two months at the Stout Centre -- it's a wonderful opportunity.
