Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Self-published author joins Kindle million sales club

John Locke sells one million eBooks

This really is a turning point in publishing -- Maryann Yin, of GalleyCat @ mediabistro.com, reports that crime fiction writer John Locke  is the first self-published author to join the Kindle Million Club, joining just seven giant authors who have got there by the traditional route.

Locke has sold 1,010,370 Kindle books using Kindle Direct Publishing, the self-publishing arm of Amazon.com.  Thus he has gained membership of an exclusive society that includes names like Suzanne Collins, Michael Connelly, James Patterson.

He's not backward in promoting KDP in his press release, issuing this apparently very carefully prepared statement: "Kindle Direct Publishing has provided an opportunity for independent authors to compete on a level playing field with the giants of the book selling industry.  Not only did KDP give me a chance, they helped at every turn.  Quite simply, KDP is the greatest friend an author can have."

Only very exceptional traditional publishers get that kind of effusive praise from their authors.

Locke did have a very good track record to help him on his self-publishing way.  He has produced (traditionally) several international bestsellers, including Vegas Moon, A Girl Like You, and Wish List.
I expect he will do even better with his next book, a nonfiction guide for writers, called How I Sold 1 Million eBooks in 5 Months


  1. In the 1930s and 40s in the US there was a virtual explosion of cheap magazines with glossy covers but pages on inexpensive pulp paper. Their low cost and a general rise in literacy made this "pulp fiction" as it was called a huge success.

    The rise of the 99 cent mystery/thriller or paranormal/vampire book on Kindle seems to parallel the development of he "pulp fiction" of the past, except that this time the writers are not being quite so underpaid.

  2. I love it when people draw historical parallels, and this one is particularly apt. Many thanks, Rick.

  3. I think Amanda Hocking may have been the first self-pubbed million-seller. But that certainly doesn't diminish John Locke's phenomenal achievement.

  4. Oh Shayne, I agree. This is definitely a Kindle-only accomplishment. In fact, I found the Amazon.com press release in my inbox after I had posted on the blog. Thanks for your input, cheers, Joan
