Saturday, December 4, 2010


Hell, yes.

Friend and fellow blogger Rick Spilman of OldSaltBlog sent me a link to an absolutely gripping blog post by Joe Konrath (pictured) . . . who reports e-book sales topping one hundred thousand smackers -- for out of print books! -- and tells you how he did it.

Wrote Rick,  "Have you been following Joe Konrath's exploits with e-books by any chance? He is thriller writer I met a few years ago at a writer's conference. Nice guy. He has written a lot of thrillers, many of which were dropped by his publisher. He turned around and republished them as e-books and is doing remarkably well."

"Kindle sales are interesting," he goes on to reflect.  "Over the summer, Amazon announced that they are selling more Kindle books than hardcovers. I have been following Alaric Bond's sales of his three books on . He is selling roughly twice as many books in Kindle format than in trade paperback. Bernard Cornwell's latest book, "The Fort" is also selling better in Kindle format than in hardcover, though not by quite the margin as Bond's books."

Bernard Cornwell selling better on Kindle?  Lordie me, it sure is a changing world we live in.

It's fortunate that it is fascinating, too.


  1. Yes, Joe's amazing. It took him a mere 20 months to sell those > 100,000 books, and his sales are still increasing - he sold over 9,000 self-pubbed books on Kindle alone in November.

    He's also very generous about sharing information and experiences. And quite a prolific writer, which doesn't hurt. :-)

  2. Thanks for the link, Joan - fascinating!
