Sunday, June 20, 2010

Changes at the top in Penguin NZ

Publishing director of Penguin NZ quits job.

One of New Zealand publishing's leading figures, Penguin's publishing director Geoff Walker, has quit after 25 years with the firm.

The one time television current affairs broadcaster had become the country's top publisher, initially with AH and AW Reeds in Wellington.

In a statement he announced it will "move on to pursue other opportunities".

Penguin say that under Walker's direction Penguin's local list grew to become one of the most acclaimed and respected in this country, winning pretty much every major award for outstanding fiction and non-fiction. He is credited with bringing into the stable the likes of Patricia Grace, Lloyd Jones, Maurice Gee and Michael King.

Walker says he has mixed feelings at leaving.
"It's been an incredible thrill to be associated with some of New Zealand's best writers. But it's time for me to change direction and try something new - and perhaps do a little less of it than a busy publishing life usually
permits," he said.
"I won't be retiring in any sense, just moving on from the corporate publishing life and doing a few things that interest me. I still plan to be around the publishing world....
"I want to thank all the wonderful authors I've worked with. It's been a joy to be your publisher."

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