Monday, April 26, 2010

Wiki Coffin Kidnapped

I might have had my head down with the last lap of my biography, Tupaia, Captain Cook's Polynesian Navigator, but it was a welcome tap on the shoulder from reality when I found that the latest Wiki Coffin short story, "Kidnapped," is featured on the cover of the June issue of Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine.
It first came to my notice when Doug Faunt posted a message to the maritime history discussion list @ Queens University in Canada, announcing that he had glimpsed the jacket when turning out some boxes in a bookstore. Then fellow blogger KiwiCrime posted the great news on his site.
All very nice indeed. Even the editor of the magazine, Linda Landrigan, got in touch with a lovely message about how she loves the Wiki Coffin stories. Then my own copy arrived.
"Kidnapped" is one of my favorite Wiki Coffin stories. He finally makes it home to the Bay of Islands, and jumps from the whaleship that carried him there -- but is hardly reunited with his folks when he is kidnapped onto a humble potato-freighting brig, bound for Jackson Harbour. Who nabbed him, and why? That's one mystery. In Sydney the captain is subpoena-ed onto the jury for a murder trial, and Wiki sets his mind to finding the real killer.


  1. Congrats Joan. When are we going to see the next Wiki Coffin novel?

  2. Who knows? As I will be explaining in future blogs about book production, a writer is tied to the editor who acquired the book or series. I lost my Wiki Coffin editor (the revered and much missed Ben Sevier) when he left St Martins for Dutton, and it is Not Easy to find a replacement, believe me. Though I would be more than happy to produce a fifth Wiki Coffin novel, I am very fortunate that the lovely Linda Landrigan, editor of Alfred Hithcock Mystery Magazine, loves the Wiki Coffin short stories and continues to publish them. Long may she stay with AHMM!!!
