Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Scotland Yard Stops Attack on UK Medina Publisher

It reads like a film script. Three men described as "Islamic extremists" put a firebomb in the North London home of Gibson Square publisher Martin Rynja late Saturday night, and were promptly arrested by Scotland Yard in "a preplanned intelligence-led operation."

The Sunday Times says "the suspected terror gang was being followed by undercover police and the fire was quickly put out after the fire brigade smashed down the front door."

The police believe Rynja was under attack for his company's decision to publish Sherry Jones's The Jewel Of Medina. Rynja is now "believed" to be under police protection, and, if so, must sleep easy, in view of the promptness and efficiency of the operation.

Naturally, the attack is supposed to be in retaliation for the content of the book, which is described by extremists as an attack on the honor of Mohammed, which they say carries the death penalty, according to Muslim law.

Jones's agent Natasha Kern tells the Times, "I honestly believe that if people read the book they will see it is not disrespectful of Muhammad, and moderate Muslims will not be offended. I don't want anyone to risk their lives but we could never imagine that there would be some madmen who would do something like this. I'm so sad about this act of terrorism. Moderate Muslims will suffer because of a few radicals."

Author Sherry Jones told Galleycat, "The planting of that bomb is Martin Rynja's letterbox was not about my book. It's not about the content of my book. It's not about the ideas in my book. It must be about the rumors and innuendos." Sunday Times

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