Friday, July 11, 2008

The Stephanie Meyer phenomenon

This week USA Today marvels over its latest bestseller list:

Two self-help titles -- Randy Pausch's touching study, The Last Lecture, based on the last lecture given by a professor who was battling pancreatic cancer, and Eckhart Tolle's Earth, which was an Oprah Winfrey pick -- have hung onto the two top spots, but the rest of the top ten is dominated by Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series.

I have to admit that I was so intrigued by the storyline of the first in the series, Twilight, that I went into Whitcoulls, found the one copy they held, and hid it behind the others to buy later, as I was heading to a function where I did not want to be encumbered by a parcel. When I returned, it was to find that someone else had fossicked it out and carried it away, much to my disgust.

Originally pushed as a book for teens, Twilight is about a girl who arrives as a newbie at a high school in a remote, forest-surrounded back-of-beyond sort of town. That sounds hackneyed -- but she then proceeds to fall for a stunningly handsome guy . . . who turns out to be a vampire. He daren't touch her, fearing that he would be overcome by a lust for her blood, and so it becomes a story of love that can never be consummated.

With a theme like that, it's no wonder the book has taken off with an adult audience, too. Currently, Meyer is being touted as the next J K Rowling. For her candid, interesting and rather Rowling-like story of how she wrote the book and got it published, read the relevant page on her website:

Twilight will be released as a major motion picture later this year, I believe.

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